Enrolment -

The date for students to start school in 2023 will be progressively from Thursday 2 February 2023.

If the student is starting at a time other than the beginning of the year, please enter a starting date at least THREE business days from the date of application.

Enrolment Information
The student's academic year level at entry
Student Details

Please provide all relevant details and check the spelling of names very carefully. When providing your address, please type slowly and allow the form to fill with the correct option. 

First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Please enter the student's legal name as it appears on their Birth Certificate.
First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Select gender
The name of the school currently being attended
Residence A / Primary Contact Details*

By 'Primary Residence' we mean the place which is the normal residential address of your child, eg. Mother & Father.   Where there is a step-parent or partner living at the same address as the student and Primary Caregiver, please add that detail in Primary Caregiver Two. At the bottom of this section there is an option to add an address for a parent or guardian who resides at a different place, but with whom your child has contact. If this parent has a 50% shared care arrangement, there is a space to note this later on in the application. If you have any questions about what to enter in these sections, please contact the school office.

Please type your primary residence addresss in the above address search
Street number and name
Rural Delivery
Post Code

Residence A - Caregiver 1

e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Ashburton College
Relationship to the student

Residence A - Caregiver 2

e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Ashburton College
Relationship to the student
Please tick if the student resides at another address at times
Health Details

Please let us know of any Health conditions or reactions, or Learning support needs the College should be aware of. Please note, that the school does not give out ibuprofen however does give out paracetamol if required.                           

List any medical problems including hearing, allergies and diagnosed conditions
List any additional learning support, needs or requirements this student may have
Emergency Contact

Please provide contact details for someone who can be used as an emergency contact. A contact in the Ashburton district is preferred. This should be someone other than the main caregiver(s) - for example a grandparent, other relative, close family friend etc. If there is no home phone, please enter the cell number or NA.

Emergency Contact 1
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Ashburton College
e.g. Grandmother
Emergency Contact 2
e.g. 03 123 4567
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. Grandfather
Special Interests

This section is optional. The information will be used to get a broad understanding of your child. We realise that children's interests change quickly and this will not tie her into any activities here at Ashburton College.


Your enrolment application will not begin to be processed until all the documents relevant to your child, listed below, are provided. Please allow up to 5 working days for processing of the application. Please ensure that your scanned or photographed documents are named with the surname and first initial of your child, as well as the type of document - for example smith,m_passport. Note: select to download only images, PDF's or Word Documents, maximum total file size 8MB. If you do have any problems attaching documents here, please email them to [email protected] 

1.    Eligibility to enrol as a Domestic Student

        Either (i)    If a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident, ONE of the following:

  • Copy of the student's New Zealand Birth Certificate
  • Copy of the student's New Zealand Passport
  • Copy of the student's New Zealand Residency Permit 
  • Copy of the student's Permanent Resident Visa (if a NZ resident, not born in NZ)
  • Copy of the student's New Zealand Citizenship Certificate

        Or (ii)    If not a Citizen or Permanent Resident of New Zealand, BOTH of the following:

  • Student Visa
  • Parent's Work Visa

2.    Specific Learning Assessment Report (only for students who have one) 

Please attach a copy of any report that you have to support your child’s learning, eg. Seabrook McKenzie report.

Please attach ALL the required documents by clicking 'Choose File' and then uploading the files that are required.



Select only Images, PDFs or Word Documents.
Maximum file size: 8MB's

Privacy Statement

Ashburton College collects the information on this form to:

           » enrol your child at College

           » assess the educational needs of your child

           » ensure we get the correct resources from the Ministry of Education for your child.

Ashburton College collects and uses your child’s information in accordance with the Privacy Act. We send some of your child’s information to the Ministry of Education and other education and health agencies. The College will not provide your child’s information to any other people or organisations without your authorisation, unless needed by law.